Your Birth Blueprint Workshop for Parents
This one day workshop supports women and their partners to make informed decisions about birth intervention, based on credible, balanced, research and information.
SUNDAY March 2022 (date to be confirmed)
9.45am – 3.30pm
Coleridge Room, Duke of Brunswick, Adelaide
In Australia 97% of women birth in hospitals
Our aim is to provide you with quality information based on credible research from a balanced viewpoint. We will be discussing the following (and more) using the Your Birth Blueprint framework:
Australian maternity care & the hospital setting
Shared-decision making
Pre-birth Intervention; stretch & sweep, baby position (ECV), waters breaking
Pain Relief options; gas, epidural, medication, TENS
Birth Intervention; induction, VBAC, c-section, forceps/ventouse, episiotomy
Post-birth Injections; Vitamin K, Hepatitis B
Together Lez & Lorielle have four children, 30 years experience supporting women with birth and have seen thousands of women as health professionals.
Lorielle Shiell
Lez Shiell
What people have to say about Your Birth Blueprint