• SUNDAY March 2022 (date to be confirmed)

  • 9.45am – 3.30pm

  • Coleridge Room, Duke of Brunswick, Adelaide

The reality of Birth Intervention

In Australia 97% of women birth in hospitals

For many women birth intervention is a reality, with 78% of Australian women having some sort of pain relief, 36% a c-section and 35% having an induced labour in 2019 (AIHW, 2021). For some parents, their experience of birth has involved life-or-death decisions, under pressure and in an unfamiliar environment. This type of experience can be distressing and even traumatic. This is why we created Your Birth Blueprint. So, you can plan and take ownership of your intervention decisions and be prepared to navigate and negotiate your preferences with your care provider.

Be Prepared

Gain clarity in a calm, considered way, so that you can confidently navigate decision-making during your birth.

What you will gain from this workshop

Our aim is to provide you with quality information based on credible research from a balanced viewpoint. We will be discussing the following (and more) using the Your Birth Blueprint framework:

  • Australian maternity care & the hospital setting

  • Shared-decision making

  • Pre-birth Intervention; stretch & sweep, baby position (ECV), waters breaking

  • Pain Relief options; gas, epidural, medication, TENS

  • Birth Intervention; induction, VBAC, c-section, forceps/ventouse, episiotomy

  • Post-birth Injections; Vitamin K, Hepatitis B

Your Facilitators

Together Lez & Lorielle have four children, 30 years experience supporting women with birth and have seen thousands of women as health professionals.

Creator & Founder

Lorielle Shiell

The founder and creator of The Women’s Health Distillery and Your Birth Blueprint, Lorielle Grant is a mother, academic and health practitioner with nearly twenty years’ experience. She has a Masters in Health Science, has worked in clinical practice for 18 years, lectured in healthcare education both in Australia and overseas, and has been published in numerous academic journals. As someone who has given birth to three children in the Australian public health system with different levels of intervention, she is passionate about the rights of all parents to make decisions based on quality, balanced information that they can trust. “I believe all women deserve to feel good about their labour and birth experience: whichever way their baby arrives. And by making sure they are a part of the decision-making, parents can experience birth as powerful and joyous, even when it involves intervention. There is such an opportunity for women and their partners to have a good experience, a potent one - no matter what it looks like.”

Acupuncturist & Transpersonal Counsellor

Lez Shiell

Lez has been practising Chinese medicine for twenty years and has a wealth of practical knowledge in his approach to supporting birthing women. He is well known for his birth induction treatments and has attended births for many years as a support person. Lez is also a trained transpersonal counsellor and has completed postgraduate study in trauma. He has lectured post graduate students and taught martial arts and Qi gong.

Pricing options

This workshop is for parents or support people to attend on their own or together. Early bird price of $249 for parents ($289 from October 15)

  • $249.00

    Mother & birthing partner (2)

    Book Now
  • $199.00

    Birth/support person (1)

    Book Now


What people have to say about Your Birth Blueprint

Mindfulness based childbirth educator

Dr. Jill Beattie

Fantastic, experienced and passionate presenters with a clear vision for the future of birthing in South Australia and Australia.



My partner has a better understanding of the role he can play around advocacy and supporting me with whatever might come our way.



Lorielle is a wealth of knowledge, education and experience. The information she provides is well researched and unbiasedly presented with stats and references. Lez brings his own extensive experience and delivers with humour and down-to-earth practicality.

Naturopath, PhD Candidate

Cherie Caut

I LOVED the information shared about health literacy - ensuring that women and their partners are able to understand the information being told to them and apply it. A great point was made about holding space for parents to have a voice and speak up what they think they need or what they are thinking or feeling.

Acupuncturist & Clinic Owner

Tracy Lee Govis

I highly recommend this course! It was informative and up to date with the current research on interventions and I loved how Lez & Lorielle worked as a team. A key take away for me was supporting my patients choices.